Subscriber Migration

Push Notifications work purely based on FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) tokens generated. These tokens are uniquely generated for each device & later used for sending messages to respective devices. They get generated when a push notification calls firebase methods via Javascript.

When you switch from a competitor vendor to Netcore Cloud platform, you need to make sure of certain steps to ensure smooth migration of your exiting subscriber base

1. Remove previous vendor's JS

To proceed with generating tokens & Netcore Cloud's platform to receive them, you need to make sure you have removed the previous vendor’s integration & completed Netcore’s customer engagement platform Javascript integration properly, otherwise it won't work!


In case of "Co-exist"

Click here to know more about how to setup our platform in case of coexistence with 3rd party vendor

2. FCM configuration in case of other push notification providers

Please check out below mentioned requirements

FCM CredentialsRequirements for Netcore’s Customer Engagement platform
FCM credentials present with clientThe FCM token & ID need to be exactly same as client's previous vendor
FCM credentials absent but VAPID details present with clientClient needs to get FCM details used with VAPID details from previous vendor
FCM credentials & VAPID details both present with clientNetcore Cloud requires only FCM details for migration

(Client needs to own the FCM credentials as well as the project)

Click here to know more about what is required for basic FCM configuration.



  1. Web Push Notifications - Google Chrome
  2. Web Push Notifications - Firefox

3. Fire below code snippet before Netcore CE base JS gets fired

If you have been using Vapid technology or One Signal so far to collect tokens and send push notifications as against the FCM and APNS gateway, you will have to further add the following snippet of code along with Js code so that the migration of tokens can be done successfully.

if (localStorage.getItem('__stmigrate') === null) {
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function(registrations) {

    for(let registration of registrations) {

	        localStorage.setItem('__stmigrate', 1);

    }}).catch(function(err) {

	console.log('Service Worker registration failed: ', err);


ShopifyNeed to place code snippet in Header Liquid file, inside a script tag. The FCM token & ID need to be exactly same as client's previous vendor
WordpressNeed to place code snippet in the editor. Client needs to get FCM details used with VAPID details from previous vendor


Validating migration

Actual migration starts dynamically, as and when a user visits the website and its completion depends totally on the client's website’s traffic.