Delete User & Erase User Data API


Netcore CE provides the API to enable the client to support GDPR requests when the Data Subject has exercised Right to Erasure under Art. 17 GDPR

Using this API, the clients can request to Delete User from CE panel & erase all associated user data (Attribute, Engagement, and Events)

Base URL

US IDC:<API_KEY>&primary_key=<Primary_KEY>

Indian IDC:<API_KEY>&primary_key=<Primary_KEY>

Europe IDC:<API_KEY>&primary_key=<Primary_KEY>

HTTP Method


Body Parameters

ParameterDetailTypeIs MandatoryExample Value
activityName of activityStringYesrequest_erasure_data
apikeyAPI key of panelStringYesABCD12345
primary_keyThe primary key value of the userStringYes[email protected]

Sample API Request

curl --location --request POST ''

PS Note - this is async API, and the request will be processed in the backend. To cross-check the same, clients can use "View Contact API" and its response.

API Response

Response Example - In the Success case

    "requestid": "<request_id>",
    "result": "Success"
    "requestid": "dbdfd72754e73886542a0affe259b32c",
    "result": "Success"