Android SDK changelog releases 2023
12th Dec 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 10.1.2
- Fixed an issue related to the data type for nudge dismiss reasons impacting user-level report download
27th Nov 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.4.3
- Fixed the close icon position for native image only in-app messages, from this version onwards the close icon will be placed on top right corner of the image irrespective of the image aspect ratio.
27th Nov 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.4.3
- Fixed an issue where notification tray was not closing on action button click on android 11 and below devices
17th Nov 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 10.1.1
- Handled exception reported via Crashlytics when the app moves to the background
- Updated deprecated network connectivity methods to handle the latest devices
19th Oct 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.4.2
- Fixed an issue where In-app campaign level frequency capping was not working as expected when an app update happens from any older 3.2.x SDK version to SDK version 3.2.31 or above.
- Sending payload as empty JSONObject instead of empty string for the custom events
17th Oct 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.4.1
- Added support for more custom push notification templates such as image as overlay, edge-to-edge image, auto-carousel, small image notifications
17th Oct 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.4.2
- Added support for more custom push notification templates such as image as an overlay, edge-to-edge image, auto-carousel, small image notifications
- Fixed an issue where the rating index was not getting passed in smt_pn_rating event for rating notifications
- Fixed an issue where formatted subtitle text was rendering as plain text for push notifications
- Fixed an issue where push notification deep link not working when the custom payload was null
- Minor enhancement to rating notification template having emojis to highlight selected rating emoji
17th Oct 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech App Inbox SDK 3.4.1
- Fixed an issue where formatted subtitle text was rendering as plain text in the App inbox
- Fixed an issue where formatted title and message body were showing HTML tags in audio and carousel template
9th Oct 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.4.1
- Fixed an issue where GIF was getting cropped when used in push notifications
9th Oct 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 10.1.0
- On App launch, initializing Nudges SDK in background for all, to prevent ANR issues
17th Aug 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.3.3
- Added support for Xiaomi push gateway. Follow the integration steps mentioned here.
17th Aug 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.3.2
- Added support for Xiaomi push gateway. Follow the integration steps mentioned [here](Follow the integration steps mentioned here).
17th Aug 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Xiaomi SDK 3.3.0
- Added support for Xiaomi push gateway. Follow the integration steps mentioned [here](Follow the integration steps mentioned here).
9th Aug 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.17
- Fixed an issue where top and bottom alignment for Tooltip nudge was not working as expected.
2nd Aug 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.16
- Fixed an issue where backdrop was getting slide-out animation of the nudge
28th July 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.15
- Nudges will not be dismissed when app is in the background provided both 'On click anywhere outside nudge' and 'On click of device back button' options are disabled/unchecked.
- Improved logs, added logs for server-side segments and lists
- Minor fixes for branch tracker event
19th July 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.14
- Fixed issue related to nudge priority not working as expected when user identity is changed
17th July 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.13
- Segment calculation logic fix
29th Jun 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.12
- Left and Right position support for Android Spotlight Nudges (Parity with iOS SDK)
20th Jun 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.10
- Crash fix when Smartech.login() method is used in Nudges SDK
- Minor enhancement to feature flag functionality
1st Jun 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.3.1
- Upgraded play-services-location dependency version to 21.0.1 to address the issue of geofence not working.
For Android Smartech Base SDK 3.3.1 and above, the play-services-location dependency that should be 21.0.1 and above
26th May 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.9
- Feature added to support "minutes" values in repeat condition for nudges
15th May 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.8
- Feature added for customizing the spotlight size.
- Feature added where you can add enable nudge animations such as bounce, ripple, slide in/out and transition animation such as fade in-out for nudges.
15th May 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.3.0
- New push notification templates added - Timer, Timer with progress bar, Rating.
- Added support for Gradle version 7.4.2 in Smartech SDK.
- Fixed in-app close icon where for native image only in-app message the close icon will now be placed on top-right corner.
- Revised exception handling and code optimization.
- Fixed issue where notification is not rendering when notification listener flow is used.
15th May 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.3.0
- New push notification templates added - Timer, Timer with progress bar, Rating.
- Added support for Gradle version 7.4.2 in Smartech SDK.
- Revised exception handling and code optimization.
- Fixed issue where notification was not rendering when notification listener flow is used.
15th May 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech App Inbox SDK 3.3.0
- New push notification templates added - Timer, Timer with progress bar, Rating
- Added support for Gradle version 7.4.2 in Smartech SDK
- Revised exception handling and code optimization
- Fixed issue where app inbox message was getting delivered immediately in case of scheduled local notifications
- Additional parameters such as smtDeeplinkSource,smtPayload added for app inbox click
5th May 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.2.37
- Callback to the app when notification is received
- Additional keys added in callback on click on push notification
5th May 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.2.20
- Callback to the app when notification is received
- Additional keys added in callback on click on push notification
5th May 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.7
- Feature added where you can get a callback for branch tracker event, in order to know when a user becomes part of a certain segment or variant branch. Please follow the integration steps given here.
28th Apr 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.6
- Fixed bug where server-side list and segment API call was not happening on each data sync
- Enabled video autoplay feature for Custom DIY Nudges
26th Apr 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges SDK 9.0.5
- Fixed “Unsafe Encryption” and “Zip Path Traversal” errors caught on the Play Store during security scan of the production application.
- Fixed segment evaluation issue in fetching events from the database when android.enableR8.fullMode is enabled in the production application.
- Added support for feature where you can partially format the text in the nudges
18th Apr 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.2.35
- Released new feature for ease of onboarding and integration validation of app features
28th Mar 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.2.34
- Bug fixes where app id will be read from manifest file
22nd Mar 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges 9.0.3
- Bug fixes related to screen having bottomsheet where screen Capturing was failing
- Bug fix where nudge was not visible if bottomsheet is dismissed and open again
- Bug fix where screen capture was failing on new bottomsheet after dismissing one bottomsheet
9th Mar 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.2.33
- Feature enhancement where notification payload is passed on PN click to the app
9th Mar 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.2.19
- Feature enhancement where notification payload is passed on PN click to the app
- Bug fix where formatted title text of push notification was not showing on collapsed view of notification
22nd Feb 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges 9.0.2
- Added support for controlling whether nudge should be dismissed on device back button on android devices.
11th Feb 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.2.32
- For apps with target SDK 33 - we are now requesting a notification permission prompt on the first app launch
- For apps with target SDK 32 or below - we are now showing permission prompt via creating a default notification channel from Smartech SDK
11th Feb 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.2.18
- Minor fix for handling dark mode in case of the background color is used in the notification
- For apps with target SDK 33 - we are now requesting a notification permission prompt on the first app launch
- For apps with target SDK 32 or below - we are now showing permission prompt via creating a default notification channel from Smartech SDK
9th Feb 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Base SDK 3.2.31
- Enable Smartech logs through adb command
- Added support for array of strings in in-app personalization
- Improved SDK initialization time
11th Feb 2023 | Product: CE
Android Smartech Push SDK 3.2.17
- Bug fix where only latest scheduled local push notification was being shown in case of multiple campaigns sent
13th Jan 2023 | Product: PX
Android Smartech Nudges 9.0.1
- Added support for backdrop configuration in non-PNC nudges of type announcements and feedback
Updated about 1 month ago