Get Email Template

Learn to retrieve details about an existing email template with API

This API allows you to retrieves detailed information about a specific email template by its template ID.

HTTP Method

This API uses the POST method to update a existing email template.

API Endpoint

The Get Email Template API is available across multiple regions; below are the base URLs for different regions:

Request Header

Authentication details are required to access the API. Ensure you include the necessary tokens or credentials in your request headers.

Header NameTypeDescriptionExampleRequired?
api-keyStringAPI key for authentication41a1de35948f915f64907ced9eed4f00Yes

Request Body

All necessary parameters should be passed in the request body in JSON format.

Body ParameterData TypeDescriptionRequired?
channelstringSpecifies the platform for the template. For example: emailYes
template_idintegerTemplate ID of the template to be updated.Yes
encoding_typestringSpecifies encoding as "base64" or left blank. If "base64" is used, content must adhere to base64 encoding standards.No

Example Request Body

  "channel": "email",
  "template_ids": 20,
  "encoding_type": "base64"

Response & Error Codes

Error CodeDescriptionResponse Sample
200The request was successful, and the template was created.{ "status": "archive | active", "channel": "email", "category": 34, "template_id": 20, "creation_time": "", "encoding_type": "base_64", "template_content": { "encoded_html_content": null }, "last_updated_time": "" }
400The request was invalid. Check the request parameters and body for errors.{ "statusCode": 0, "message": "string" }
500An error occurred on the server while processing the request.{ "statusCode": 0, "message": "string" }