Configuring Analytics via Mixpanel
Step 1: Create new Class
Create a new class "AppMixpanel" and add the following method to it.
#import <SmartechNudges/Hansel-umbrella.h>
+ (void) track: (NSString*) eventName properties: (id) properties instance: (Mixpanel*) mixpanel{
//Check if this event is being tracked in any one of the active Hansel Interaction Maps.
//Please pass the string "mxp" for vendor if you are using Mixpanel to track the event.
//get the data for all Interaction Maps created on hansel dashboard.
NSDictionary* hanselData = [HanselTracker logEvent:eventName andVendor:@"mxp" withProperties:properties];
if (![properties isKindOfClass:[NSMutableDictionary class]]){
properties = [properties mutableCopy];
[properties addEntriesFromDictionary:hanselData];
[mixpanel track:eventName properties:properties];
class func track(_ eventName: String, properties: [AnyHashable : Any]?, mixpanel: Mixpanel?){
var properties = properties
//Check if this event is being tracked in any one of the active Hansel Interaction Maps.
//Please pass the string "mxp" for vendor if you are using Mixpanel to track the event.
//getting the data for all interaction maps on hansel dashboard
let hanselData = HanselTracker.logEvent(eventName, vendor: "mxp", withProperties: properties)
for (k, v) in hanselData { properties[k] = v }
mixpanel?.track(eventName, properties: properties)
Step 2: Update Code
For all those events on which you want to track the impact of Hansel changes, make the updates as suggested in the snippet below:
#import <SmartechNudges/Hansel-umbrella.h>
//If the original code was
[mixpanel track:eventName properties:properties];
//it would get updated to
[AppMixpanel track:eventName properties:properties instance:mixpanel];
//If the original code was
mixpanel?.track(eventName, properties: properties)
//it would get updated to
AppMixpanel.track(eventName, properties: properties, mixpanel: mixpanel)
Updated 9 months ago